CS Resources
Recent guest lecture: “Enjoyable Introduction to Programming” (PowerPoint slides)
High School and Up
- C++
- Java
- Python
- JavaScript
- C#
- Ruby
Java Resources
- Course materials of Summer 2012 course for school students: “Introduction to Programming using Java”
- Free e-book: http://math.hws.edu/eck/cs124/downloads/javanotes6-linked.pdf
- Free e-book: http://www.bluepelicanjava.com/
- Good textbook: Starting Out with Java: From Control Structures through Objects, by Tony Gaddis
- Core API documentation: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/
- Official Tutorials: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/index.html
- Development Environments (IDEs): JGRASP, NetBeans, Eclipse
C++ Resources
- Reference: http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/
- Tutorial: http://www.cplusplus.com/files/tutorial.pdf
- Tutorial: http://www.learncpp.com/
- Good Textbook: Starting Out with C++ From Control Structures through Objects by Tony Gaddis
- Integrated Development Environments (IDEs): MS Visual Studio, Code::Blocks, NetBeans, Eclipse
NetBeans IDE installation steps
NetBeans is a great environment for serious C/C++ and Java development. However, Code::Blocks is a simpler IDE for C++ and jGRASP is a simpler IDE for Java. All are FREE. Microsoft Visual Studio IDE is simpler to install and it is a great one for C++ as well (Express edition is FREE for every one & college students can also get Visual Studio FREE through dreamspark.com).

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- Select Designation “CS K-12 Outreach Fund”
- Now, select any amount you want to contribute and complete the process.
Thank you so much for helping us to help the school kids and the community!
If you or your company want to sponsor a future workshop/camp OR want us to run a workshop at your facility to benefit your employees’ families, send an email to csk12@utdallas.edu – we would love to work with you!
Be informed!
We utilize a Facebook page and a Google group to announce the events & share important updates:
- Facebook page address is www.facebook.com/CSK12OutreachUTD. If you are a Facebook user, we encourage you to visit this page and “like” us so that your friends and family will know about our events too. If you do not have a Facebook account or want to see the listing of events directly, click www.facebook.com/CSK12OutreachUTD/events. You do not need a Facebook account to access these pages! Information will always be up-to-date in the Facebook page.
- Google group CSK12OutreachUTD is used as an email list to send out the announcements/updates/information about the upcoming events. You do not need a Google account to join – any email address will work. You can send an email to CSK12OutreachUTD+subscribe@googlegroups.com to join this list. You will get an email back for confirmation. Reply to that email, then you will get a confirmation email that you have been added to the group. You can unsubscribe from the group any time by sending an email to CSK12OutreachUTD+unsubscribe@googlegroups.com.
If you need any additional clarifications, you can send us an email to csk12@utdallas.edu.