Directions to the ECSS Building at UT Dallas

Use the address “838 Franklyn Jenifer Drive, Richardson TX” for driving directions to come to ECSS & nearby buildings in UT Dallas campus.


If you have not visited our campus recently, visit to familiarize yourself. If you do violate any parking rules, UTD parking will put a citation on your vehicle. We have no control over the citations.

Parking Lot J

This is the parking lot closest to ECSS building. You need a parking permit that says Lot J or all Lots to park here. Pay attention to color of each spot as well. For example, you cannot park your vehicle in Purple colored space with a parking permit that is for Orange colored spaces. If you cannot find a parking space, you can use PS4 instead.

Parking Structure 4 (PS4)

This structure is 2-3 blocks away from ECSS building, but it does have lot more parking spaces compared to Lot J. Similar to Lot J, park in an appropriate colored parking spot, that matches with your parking permit. Make sure your parking permit includes PS4 as well. If you do not have a parking permit, you can use pay-per-use white-colored Visitor parking spaces. Use the parking machine near the east-end of the parking garage. Additionally, there is NO parking enforcement in GREEN colored parking spaces during the weekends and University holidays.

Visitor Center

The visitor parking page has more information about parking on campus.