About Us


The mission of the Department of Computer Science K-12 Outreach program is to introduce the magical world of computer programming in enjoyable manner to every school student in the greater Dallas area and beyond.


  • Summer Camps
  • Coding Sessions during School Breaks/Holidays
  • Weekend Clubs
  • Programming Contests
  • Custom Workshops & campus tour for schools
  • Custom camps/workshops off-site for schools/groups
  • Weekly after-school clubs in nearby schools
  • Hands-on workshops for UTD students
  • Professional development workshops for adults

Discounts for Camps/Workshops/Clubs/Courses

All discounted registrations are subject to audit & further proof may need to be submitted upon request. Improper use of these promotional codes or insufficient responses will result in cancellations.

  • 50% discount for families that qualify reduced rate meals at schools: You need to submit a copy of documentation from school to csk12@utdallas.edu (Families without such documentation should refer to income guidelines posted on the Federal Poverty Level webpage – you can send the first page of previous year’s tax return – you can erase/blacken/hide the SSN before sending us a copy).
  • 90% discount for school teachers: This discount is only for teachers’ professional development. It CANNOT be used for their kids or students. School teachers should email a copy of school ID badge or another school document to csk12@utdallas.edu. School email address should be used to register.


Email (preferred): csk12@utdallas.edu (information, clarifications, cancellation requests, etc.)
Phone (text only please): 214-924-2148
We will get back to you within a day (within few hours most of the time). If you do not get a reply within a day, please send another email or call this number again. Please do NOT call or email anyone else in UT Dallas regarding our events. No one will be able to assist you – it will only frustrate them and you. Thanks for your patience and understanding!


Director: Dr. Jey Veerasamyjeyv@utdallas.edu
Associate Director: Prof. John Colejohn.cole@utdallas.edu
and an army of UT Dallas students!


A great way to keep up-to-date with our events!

Email List

We send out periodic updates – once every 2 weeks or so.

Email csoutreach in SYMPA email server to sympa@lists.utdallas.edu with subject line: sub csoutreach to get onto our email list)

Computer Science Department